My name is …


Hello , my name is Giacomo.

I am a goldsmith in Bucharest, Romania. I was born – over a half a century ago ( !!! )  –  in Giurgiu, a small harbour on the Danube river and I grew up in a family of skilled Italian artists, discovering the beauty of art from an early age, thanks to one of my uncles, my Godfather, Sachetti Iacob ( Giacomo) . After many years of working as a hand engraver for a large jewelry cooperative, I broke away and mastered – as a self-taught goldsmith – the techniques of making fine handcrafted jewelry using ancient techniques to produce some of the finest jewels. Now I bring  my artistry and expert touch with gold and precious gems to you. See the jewels, watch how each treasure is made. You can own a special, handmade work of art and feel connected to the artistic process. Enjoy!

What could be more wonderful than – instead of watching like a bystander – to be yourself the cause of the amazing metamorphosis of the noble metals, watching, close to the heat of the fire, every step of the transformation of the rough material into a new identity, a tangible form of your own thoughts…

These are my thoughts and I would like to share them with you, all the people who love art and the making of wonderful objects that enrich our lives. I will  give you the oportunity to discover the “back stage” of  jewelry making, in the most simple and almost primitive way there is. I don’t have computers and CAD/CAM sofware and hardware, although I would love to. All I have is my hands, my eyes and my mind to practice this trade (this science, in fact) and I am hopelessly in love with it. These are a few examples of some exclusively handmade jewelry I’ve created. Most of them are hollow and I love to use this technique, because it’s an advantage both for me and for the customers. The resistance to wear of a hollow item is better than of a massive item, because it wears less in time due to its lightness. Plus, the hardness of the material is higher compared to the cast ones, as it’s made by very tightly compressed molecules. The rolling mill does that. And finally, the lighter weight makes for a lower cost item when talking about gold and silver, right?  

You can contact me at:

  1. Giacomo,
    It’s wonderful to have you back. I’ve missed you, watching you make beautiful things, teaching me so well. You’ve taught me more than you will ever know. When I am not so shy about showing what I have made, you will see how you have inspired me so.

    Thank you, and win that Saul Bell Award. No one deserves it more than you!



    excellent site gigi

    always forward
    with god in your eyes
    the accomplishments are great
    and the rewards priceless
    keep your angels near
    and the devil behind you

  3. Wow, that’s all just Wow

  4. Thank you! I’m having a torrid love affair with your hands and watching you make such beautiful creations from just a “piece of metal” is truely amazing. I have some jewelry training, but only at a beginner level. You have opened my eyes to see possibilities that I never envisioned before. I look forward to your new videos and wish you all the best. Thank you again.

    • Wow, Dee Garza , I am very happy that my hands are involved – finaly – in such torrid love affair with you ! 😀 Thanks for the wishes , I need them very bad !

  5. Wow, Giacomo,
    Your work is truly amazing and I love your videos. I’m an enamelist and goldsmith. I’ve been doing chasing/repousse combined with engraving lately. I just love working with metal and the amazing way it moves, But your work is beautiful and makes me want to push myself even further.fs

  6. it is wonderful to see you have set up this website/space/window…i was afraid we will not find you.

    keep up your passionate work.
    thanks a million for sharing.

    i have enjoyed all of your videos on ganoskin.

    thanks again

  7. Hi
    I have watched your videos on Ganoksin and have learnt so much from them. I am a hobbiest jewler working in silver and am untrained so I make a lot of scrap. LOL I thought you had stopped making vidoes so now that I have found these I will watch them all.

    Did you ever get the school project up and running?


    • Hi Dave ,
      I am working hard to build the school online website . It is difficult and complex . I hope in February will be ready . I will make an anouncement here on this blog and on when will be ready and you’ll know .

  8. How can i contact with you ? you are the one can help me in my career. hope to receive your email soon in my email’s inbox (……)

  9. Hi Giacomo,

    I’m so glad I found your blog! I was watching your videos on Ganoskin and I wanted to express my admiration to your work, your art. I’m so sorry I didn’t know about you when I was still living in Bucharest, I would have loved to see your work! I’m studying jewellery making in Canada now because, as you know, Romania isn’t too good to art or craft people.

    I just wanted to tell you that not all Romanians care about the weight of the jewellery, there’s still some of us who love the work and vision of it 🙂

    Keep up the great work you’re doing.

    Toate cele bune,

  10. Giacomo!

    So great to see you back! Just watched the cobra ring video and I am so happy to see more from you…have missed your work so much.
    I hope you are doing well and are happy.

    Debbie =)

  11. Hi Giacomo,
    Finally I found the way to leave you a message. I discovered your video on “DailyMotion” website and finally i found this one looking for you on google. I’m Italian, my name is Lino, i’m trying to study this great art by myself but is very difficult when i look the beautiful things you do, and how great is your talent…
    Can I contact you on your mail ?
    Thank you very much for your sharing, the best I have ever seen!

    • Hello Lino ,
      Thank you for your interest about my work . You know , I have myself a lot of people – artists – in this trade in front of whom I bow with respect and admiration . This is natural , there will always be a scale of values , due to the experience , talent and skills . But the talent is nothing if you will not cultivate it and practice is another important matter .I’ve already had sent you a detailed answer to your questions by e-mail .
      Thank you again and best regards ,

    • Lino, how it comes than you can’t find there in Italy , a person to teach you the arts of goldsmithing ? I feel insignificant in front of what Italy has , as artists and art ….I wish to be there , myself …I could learn so much .

  12. Adelina has come to Bucharest two months ago, but she find me in a very unstable status – struggling between three decisions : to stay with my mother and support her in this very difficult moment of her life ; to give up with all this curse which is my dedication to the arts and to find a new job ; to keep my word and promise to the Sabion’s owner , that I will go some day to work for him …Being a Scorpio , all three options was very eliegible to me …But – after a very sincere discussion with my mother and her promisse to go to live with her sisters – I decided to go to Sabion company , in hope for a new life and destiny , which will be helpful to my mother , too. There was a big trial for me and the first time when I would be really alone and faraway from home and familly . Among totally stranger people and unkown habbits for me . So , Adelina has no luck to see me working at all – as a matter of facts , my workplace was closed few weeks before she was arrived in Bucharest , taking me by surprise …I feel somehow guilty because she was so excited by meeting me in person and perhaps she was making some plans , as everyone in this situation …But I simply couldn’t start doing anything and I feel like I failed somehow . The moment was very wrong for her to meet me and for me to share or even show something …That’s why I feel the need to apologize to Adelina , she is a very nice and kind person and I feel somehow I failed her expectations . But this abnormal times I live now , are the most difficult times in my life , with my 74 y.o. mother , filled with lung tumours and blood pressure problems – she was paralysed one year ago – and my moving to another city and region , in a house which is not mine , and this killing feeling of like being trapped between two worlds … My loving and devoted friend Milky , who is 15 y.o. is also on his last tour , loosing his hearing and seeing so much , I almost can’t comunicate with him , such a bright and intelligent dog …becoming a vegetable , day by day , and me whitnessing his biological degradation with painful tears in my throat , every day . I took him with me , in this nice house Sabion company gaves me to live in , but he already can’t realise and enjoy the beauty of the environment we are into …. This is more sadness than joy …I think it’s another step of the suffering which I will have to go next year..It seems there is no joy left for me , anymore …

  13. Hi Giacomo,
    I dont know you very much, and not even your friend Adelina but after reading a few post on your blog where you talk about the difficulties you have to manage in your life I think that nobody can blame you for what happened when Adelina arrived. If i was in her place, i would be more worried about your status then on loosing the possibility to see you on work, an surely she’s agreeing with me.
    I understand your feelings about your family because my mother is 83 years old and sooner or later i’ll have to move to look for a job as now i’m unimployed.
    I know, your mother has to fight with a cancer too… but when you say that accepting Sabion’s work you are helping her too in somehow…well this is the answer of all your doubts.
    Years ago I had to move in another country for work, leaving my house, friends and family and sorrounded by unknown people who spoke another language so i understand how hard is gonna be.
    As now you live in a nice place, try to let flow this beauty that is sorrounding you to your dog.
    I use to have dog since i was born, and i know, as you know, that they use more the eyes and hears to understand your feelings. Try to be happy, even if on a hard moment, keeping concentration on all best things we have, that’s the only way we have to make happy anyone we love.
    Concentrate on how happy made you having a such lovely dog and accept as part of life that everybody is on earth just for the moment to give happiness to the people that took care of them.
    Best wishes

  14. I wish you a brighter future, an understanding of life but most of all strength to endure whatever comes your way. Please remember that you are an inspiration for many new crafters like myself. God bless kn

  15. So sorry to read your comment to your situation. I was happy for you when I knew that you found a new job and in a nice place. But now all this dream seems to be a real nightmare! I don’t know if they pay you enough to support this bad situation, if not I think you should go back to your old life as you said “I can starve everywhere, so why not at my home ?”.
    If you still think you can have a online school you can have a lot of student, and I will be one of them for sure.
    If i can help you, no matter how, just let me know I ll do my best. Hope to hear you soon.. big hug to your wondeful dogs

  16. Здравствуйте, Джакомо!

    Пишу Вам из России.
    Скоро будет уже год, как я, с огромным удовольствием смотрю Вашу работу.
    Это удивительно!
    На этот сайт я перешел с
    Прочел Ваши личные сообщения о Ваших жизненных трудностях, о больной маме, соболезную Вам.
    В этом мире талантливые и трудолюбивые люди зачастую преодолевают тяжелые жизненные испытания.
    Я вот тоже в прошлом году вынужден был переехать в другой город в поисках хлеба насущного.
    Со своей стороны желаю здоровья Вам и Вашим дорогим и близким, терпенья и удачи!

  17. Translate for Boris ( Google ) :
    Hello, Giacomo!

    I am writing you from Russia.
    It will soon be a year like me, with great pleasure watching your work.
    This is amazing!
    On this site I went to
    I have read your personal messages about your life difficulties of a sick mother, condolences to you.
    In this world, talented and hardworking people often overcome difficult challenges of life.
    I too last year was forced to move to another city in search of sustenance.
    For its part, wish health to you and your near and dear, patience and good luck!

  18. you are amazing, like your work – I am looking forward to learning from you even more than I have already.

  19. Hi Giacomo, I hope you are well, Eireen, The Fairy is my favourite piece of jewellery, where is she now. If you have started an on-line jewellery school I would love to join up. You are truly inspirational.

    Kind regards
    Elaine Ainslie

  20. Джакомо, живы ли Вы?
    Как складывается Ваша жизнь?
    Желаю Вам здоровья и поймать Вашу Птицу Счастья за хвост.
    Ты, Джакомо- Мастер!

  21. Cu adevarat sunteti un talent extraordinar! mie imi plac toate lucrarile uploadate in acest portal.

  22. Elaine Feather

    Hello Giacomo, I am trying to find out if you have your on line school yet. I wrote to you a long time ago , you shared with me what difficulties you were enduring just before you moved . I hope you are in happier circumstances now . Age is catching up with me and hope I may be able to learn some of your skills before my painful hands make me admit I’ve discovered my passion too late in life .
    Thanking you for your wonderful art .

    • Hello Lainey ,
      Wait for my announcement , it will be in September .
      Keep an eye on this blog and you will find out when the time will come .
      In the last period I didn’t have the time to work at the website school because of Ben ( my dog) and there are still a lot to do for the school site .
      I am alone in this enterprise and the only help for the website is from the webmaster , which is waiting for the materials from me , videos , texts and translations .
      In the mean time I have to work at the bench and taking care of Ben . I am very tired and trying to find a little time to sleep , but it seems that I need a 30 hours day to finish all the tasks I have everyday .
      Thank you for being so determined in keeping your interest in my work ,

  23. Take time to enjoy yourself and smell the roses

  24. Elaine Feather

    Hello Giacomo,
    Thank you so much for taking the time to reply and for the very welcome information . My birthday is in September and it would be the best present ever to see your on line school become a reality. I hope you manage to get some well earned rest , and some quality time with Ben .
    I will keep keep looking in.
    Take care
    Kind regards

  25. Giacomo,
    What is the status of your online school? I would love to learn from you and just want to see you work your magic!

    • Hi Lynnette ,
      It seems I can’t find the person to make this website , no matter how much I’ve had tried ,,,
      Last person I’ve had asked has other problems to solve and now I have to wait , because I was already made a payment to him , and I can’t quit now .
      An online jewelry school is a very complicate thing to do , I always knew that , and the way I designed mine it seems that it creates problems for those who have to transpose it into the internet .
      As at my workbench , I like to do things right and exactly as I see them , using my own vision .
      All that remains is my hope that I will be able to see this site made quickly. This is the reason why I do not post videos anywhere, because I want to be all in school online.
      Thank you for your interest in my work .

  26. Salut.

    Cand dai drumul la scoala online?

    • E foarte greu , nu gasesc persoanele potrivite sa-l faca si am cheltuit deja niste bani . acum am multa treaba cu atelierul si am amanat .
      Sper sa nu mor pana fac situl .

  27. Ceau!
    Au trecut 13 ani, deci am batut recordul prietenului tau cu 3. Astept o invitatie la masa…
    Din cauza schimbarilor de telefonae ( deh, tehnologia bat-o vina!) am pierdut numerele tale de contact.
    Mai ajung prin Bucuresti, sporadic, e adevarat, dar mi-ar placea sa putem comunica!
    Adriana Stan

    • Buna ,Adriana !

      Mai trimite-mi odata mesaj pe e-mail , ca a intrat in spam si s-a sters ! Adica l-am sters eu , la gramada cu altele !

  28. Hi Giacomo, it is good to see you return and with your young apprentices. I wish you well. Elaine

  29. Frank Wilson

    Your work is a true inspiration to me a poor silverworker. Please do much more of your tutorials . They have great power for creation and spiritual growth in a beautiful craft. Thank you. Franco

  30. Hi Giacomo, i’m Verónica from Venezuela, my husband is goldsmith, he show me your THE BIG GREEN VIDEO and now im in love with that ring, since 2 years ago im practicing with enamel, its a long way from me to learn coz we have an autistic daughter, she loves see her father working, we think she will learn the art, thanks to share your skills to everybody, best regards

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